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Registering for Single Craft Rental

Sun 9/22 12:30 pm - 1:40 pm

Already a member?


Confirm your tickets and quantity of each.

Quantity Price Due Today
Student Rental $15.00
Non Student Rental $18.00
Student Rental + Locker $16.00
Non Student Rental + Locker $19.00

3 total spots remaining.

Total Due Today


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Enter your name and contact info.

Already signed up with Hoofers?


Just a few more questions and you are good to go!

Tell us what you would like to paddle!

Event Policies

Just making sure we are all on the same page.

Rental Agreement

I assume full responsibility for equipment rented from the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Outdoor UW program. I understand it is my responsibility to check equipment for good and usable condition. I agree to pay for damages to equipment and accessories in excess of normal use as assessed by Outdoor UW staff, up to the full replacement cost of the damaged or lost item. I assume total liability for all loss or theft of property.

Paddle craft equipment rentals will be charged as follows:

Rental charges assessed by the hour. Rentals returned more than 10 minutes after subsequent hour begins will be charged for an additional hour

If equipment is lost, I will inform Outdoor UW immediately and agree to be billed for the hours late as of the day of notification and full replacement cost of the item(s). I understand that failure to meet my financial responsibilities to Outdoor UW may render me ineligible for future rentals, and may result in suspension of my Union membership.

I have read and agree to the safety rules and regulations and am agreeing to the above terms and conditions for the remainder of the 2023 rental season, and I will be held responsible for upholding all terms and conditions on this and each future visit this season.

Affirmation of Risks

I have read the safety rules and regulations for renting with Outdoor UW. I understand the potentially life-threatening risks posed by improper usage of paddle-crafts and the failure to follow proper safety practices, which can include injury or death. I accept these risks on behalf of myself (and on behalf of my minor child, if applicable). 

I further understand that I am ultimately responsible for my own safety (and my minor child’s safety). I agree, for myself, my heirs, personal representatives or assigns, and my minor child if applicable, to defend, hold harmless, indemnify and release, the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin system, its officers, employees, agents, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action of any sort on account of damage to personal property, personal injury, or death which may result.

I further agree that by acknowledging these risks and affixing my signature below that this assumption of risk applies for the entire 2023 rental season.